Extraction instructions below
How to open and extract uu file?
- To select the uu file, you have two options:
Click "Select uu file to open" to open the file chooser
- Drag and drop the uu file directly onto ezyZip
It will start the file extraction and list the contents of the uu file once complete.
Click the green "Save" button on the individual files to save to your selected destination folder.
OPTIONAL: Click blue "Preview" button to open directly in the browser. This option only available for some file types.
How do I save all files into a folder?
Follow the above instructions to open UU file
Click on "Save All". If the button is disabled, it means your browser does not support this feature or it is not enabled.
In Chrome, you can enable it by toggling following setting:chrome://flags/#native-file-system-api
(copy/paste it into your browser address bar)
Select an empty folder where you wish to extract the files. Please note: If you already have files with the same name, ezyZip WILL OVERWRITE THEM.
After you have selected the folder, the browser will ask for permission to access it. Click on "View files" followed by "Save changes".
It will then commence saving files and subfolders into the target you specified
How do I list all files in UU file?
Open the UU file, as per instructions above. It will initially list the contents of the UU hierarchically, sorted by folders.
Click on "List all files" to see the entire list of files inside the UU archive.
Click on "List by folder" to go back to folder view.
How do I extract uu files in Dropbox?
Click on the Dropbox logo () in the uu file selector button.
The Dropbox file chooser will appear. You will need to authorise access to ezyZip the first time.
Once you have selected the uu file, it will download it to your browser and show the contents.
To save files to Dropbox, click on "Dropbox" dropdown under the "Save" or "Save All" buttons. You will need to authorise Dropbox for ezyZip the first time you do it.
Files will be saved in /Apps/ezyZip folder.
Can I preview the contents of my uu archive without extracting them?
Is it safe to extract uu files using ezyZip?
What OS and browser can extract uu files?
We are continuously updating the system, so ensure you are using the latest version of one of the popular browsers or their variants. (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera).
Please let us know via the feedback form if you have any issues.
What is a uu file?
A UU file uses Uuencoding (Unix-to-Unix encoding), one of the earliest binary-to-text encoding schemes developed for transferring binary files over email and Usenet systems. Similar to Base64 but with an older encoding algorithm, Uuencoding converts binary data to ASCII text that can safely traverse systems designed to handle only text data.
While largely superseded by more efficient encoding methods like Base64, Uuencoding remains supported for historical compatibility with older systems. The format includes built-in file permission information and simple error detection. When encoding files with Uuencoding using ezyZip, binary data is transformed into ASCII text with distinctive begin/end markers that identify the encoded content and facilitate proper decoding on the receiving end.
What is ezyZip?
ezyZip is a free online utility for opening and extracting uu files online in your browser. It supports a myriad of other file formats and conversions.
Unlike other online archive extraction utilities, ezyZip DOES NOT require you to upload or download files to a server. It runs locally as a browser app, thus making it much quicker than other online file extractors. This also ensures your privacy will be protected as no file data will leave your browser.