Conversion instructions below
How to convert folder to pax.bz2 file?
Click "Select folder to convert" to bring up the folder chooser
(Optional) Set the desired compression level by clicking the down arrow next to "Create PAX.BZ2 File". This will only work with archive formats that support compression.
Click "Create PAX.BZ2 File". It will start creating the PAX.BZ2 archive from your folder contents.
Once all the files are processed, the "Save pax.bz2 File" button will appear.
Click "Save PAX.BZ2 File" to save the folder archive to your selected destination folder.
What operating system and browser does ezyZip support?
We are continuously updating the system, so ensure you are using the latest version of one of the popular browsers or their variants. (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera).
Please let us know via the feedback form if you have any issues.
What is a pax.bz2 file?
A PAX.BZ2 file is a PAX archive compressed using the BZIP2 compression algorithm. It combines PAXs sophisticated archiving capabilities with BZIP2s high-compression ratio. This format maintains all of PAXs advantages in handling complex file attributes and cross-platform compatibility while providing more efficient compression than GZIP.
This combination is particularly useful when maximum compression is desired for PAX archives, such as when archiving large datasets that contain complex file attributes and metadata that must be preserved. The BZIP2 compression makes the archives smaller at the cost of slower compression and decompression times. When creating PAX.BZ2 archives with ezyZip, date information is not included and empty directories are not added to the resulting archive file.